We always talk about how important our data is. In e period when companies are going through a transition in terms of work processes, data analysis provides support for making the right decisions. But often, the large volume of data and information generated can discourage their analysis. That is why it is important to have data analysis tools that offer the possibility to visualize them in a simple, intuitive, and easy way to understand.
Tableau Software is one of the most powerful data analytics tools in the world. The technology behind Tableau products helps users visualize and build analysis based on their data to observe and evaluate company’s evolution. But how do we manage to build analysis to understand and be able to make the right decisions regarding company’s direction? How do we manage to visualize the results regarding the activity of the organization? What types of analysis do we need to evaluate and analyze company’s progress?
Seismogram chart offers users the ability to build visualizations to analyze data with big variations over a period. For example, seismogram chart can be used when we want to observe the evolution of revenues or sales depending on years and months. This analysis aims to highlight large variations and make them easier to observe.
On the other hand, the seismogram chart determines users to observe much more quickly the most productive periods in terms of sales or profit. They can also easily notice which were the months or years with the lowest results. Seismogram analysis helps users make decisions based on data about available resources at the company level that are needed to be allocated to increase productivity at certain times of the year.
Seismogram chart can also be used to display certain values of dimensions from different categories. In this way, the constructed analysis will display and highlight large variations in data over a period. The Seismogram chart is a type of analysis that is easy to build and is based on several calculations.
Below you can find a step by step guide which shows you how to create a Seismogram Chart:
→ In Tableau Desktop, connect to Superstore sample data provided by Tableau.
→ Create a calculated field name Negative Sales with the formula:
→ Drag the Order date on Column and view it as year and month.
→ Drag the Measure Values on Rows and keep only the Sales and Negative Sales.
→ Drag the Measure Names on Path on the Marks Area.
→ Drag the Sales on Colors and on tooltip.
→ This chart represents the highest (Green) and lowest (Red) sales of the year. With this chart we can easily see which was the best month and the worst in terms of sales.
By Adelina Popescu
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