Tableau Prep

Tableau Prep helps you clean up your data before analysis


Tableau Prep Builder

Tableau Prep is used to to build data preparation workflows. You can clean, combine data sets using data joins and data unions, create calculated fields, pivot data sets

Tableau Prep Conductor

Tableau Prep Conductor is used to run the data flows on the server in a shared environment using the benefits of a collaboration environment

Tableau Prep

It is a data preparation tool that simplifies and accelerates the process of combining, shaping, and cleaning data for analysis in Tableau. With an intuitive visual interface, Tableau Prep enables users to prepare data directly and efficiently, providing a fast workflow for achieving high-quality data in just a few clicks.

Unified view for your data

In one single unified view you can see the data preparation workflow on the top of the screen with all the data preparation steps (join, union, pivot). In the middle you can see the columns profiles and statistics.
On the bottom side you can see the raw data grid.

Tableau Prep


Tableau Prep in the browser

Prep your data from wherever you have access to a browser, all in one integrated platform on the web. Say goodbye to managing individual Prep desktops. You can now upgrade the server to get everyone in the organization on the latest version.

Write to external databases in Tableau Prep

The new version of Tableau 2020.3 offers users the ability to update and prepare external databases directly in Tableau Prep. The data preparation process is simplified by storing the data in a centralized way and preparing it directly in Tableau. Starting from now, users can use the drag and drop method to map the fields with the corresponding data from the data set.

It’s easy. First, connect to the data set, either files (Microsoft Excel) or data bases (amazon Red shift, IBM DB 2, Microsoft SQL, Vertica, Oracle, SAP Han and many others) and bring tables or sheets to the data pane. You can combine data from multiple data source types. New data sets can be added to the data preparation flow at any stage. You can also use the Data Interpret or that works the same as in Tableau Desktop.

Before performing unions or joins, it is likely that you need some cleaning operations on your data: removing fields, changing data types, creating calculated field, splitting columns, remove numbers, letters or punctuation, trim spaces, make uppercase or lowercase, group values.

Once the data is clean, you can pivot, aggregate, join, union data. Tableau Prep will show you the immediate results of any action you perform on the data.

Tableau Prep Conductor is part of Data Management Add-On to the Tableau Server. You can publish and run on Tableau Server or Tableau Online the flows previously built with Tableau Prep.

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