Pie in Pie Chart using Tableau Software – video Skill Pill

Pie in Pie Chart used in Tableau Software

A Pie in Pie Chart is usually used in Tableau Software when you want to see how much did a sub-category contribute to a category. Watch our video:

In order to create a Pie in Pie Chart in Tableau, please follow these steps:

Step 1: Connect to data

  1. In Tableau Desktop, connect to Superstore sample data provided by Tableau Software, business intelligence reporting program.
  2. Step 2: Create the visualization
  3. Create a Set on Category filed, named Category Set and select the “Furniture” category.
  4. Create a new Calculated Field Cat to Subcat with formula: if [Category Set] then [Sub-Category] else [Category] end.
  5. Create new Calculated Field MIN with formula: MIN(1).
  6. Drag the MIN field on Columns.
  7. Select Pie type of visualization from Marks
  8. Drag Sales on Angle from Marks
  9. Drag Category field on Colors from Marks
  10. Click on Size from Marks area and make the Pie bigger.
  11. Drag the MIN field again on Columns.
  12. Go to Marks area on the second MIN chart and drag the Cat to Subcat on Detail.
  13. In the Marks area change the Detail from the Cat to Subcat field in Color, from Tableau interface, your business intelligence analytics software.
  14. Right click on Category from Marks area and click Sort By Field, Descending and select the field Sales.
  15. Right click on Cat to Subcat from Marks area and click Sort By Field, Descending and select the field Sales.
  16. Go to Sheet -> Actions -> Add Action -> Add Set Action. Name it Change Set Action, select the Source Sheets to be the data source and the Target Set to be Category Set we created in the first step. For Clearing the selection will select Remove all values from set.
  17. Go to each legend of colors and select for the Cat to Subcat the corresponding pallet and click Assign Pallet.
  18. Go to Sheet -> Actions and change the action we just created to Run action on “Hover”. Make sure the Clearing the selection will remains on Remove all values from set.
  19. Right-click on the second MIN from the Columns and select Dual Axis.
  20. In the Marks area, make sure the first MIN has a bigger chart than the second one.
  21. For both MINs on the Marks area click on Color -> Border -> select white

By Mara Cîșlariu

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