How to show totals in a visualization?

Adding totals to tables in Tableau helps provide a clear summary of your data. It allows you to quickly see the sum, average, or other aggregate measures across rows, columns, or the entire dataset. This feature is particularly useful in dashboards and reports as it highlights key metrics at a glance. By including totals, you can easily compare individual data points against the overall picture. This makes it simpler to identify trends, patterns, and outliers in your analysis. Additionally, this functionality enhances the clarity and usefulness of your data visualizations, helping stakeholders make informed decisions.

In this #Skillpill, you will learn how to show totals in a visualization.

Step 1: Connect to Data

In Tableau Desktop connect to SampleSuperstore data fromTableau. 

Step 2: Create View 

Add Categories dimension into rows 

→ Add Sub-Categories dimensions into rows 

→ Add Order Date dimension into columns 

→ Add Sales into measures 

Step 3:  Add Totals 

→ Go to the Analytics tab, click and drag Totals into the canvas, and drop It onto one of the 3 (Subtotals, Row Totals, Column Totals) 

Step 4: Changing Aggregation 

If you want to select a different aggregation for the totals, click the Grand Total on either row or column, click the Automated drop and select the desired aggregation 

Step 5: Removing Totals 

If you want to remove a specific total go to Analysis -> Totals -> Click whichever Total you want to remove 


Here is the dashboard in Tableau Public:

About btProvider:

We hold all possible technical and sales certifications for all products:

Tableau Desktop, Tableau Public, Tableau Server, Tableau Prep, and Tableau Data Management.

With Tableau Software – the best data visualization platform – you can always understand your business or your job better. Using Tableau, you will make intelligent and strategic decisions and quickly understand the data flow, numbers, and the results it produces. See other #skillpill video tutorials here:

How to display multiple insights on a dashboard in #Tableau

How to create Stacked Bars on Grand Totals in Tableau

How to create a Buffer Zoom in a Tableau Map

Are you interested in learning more about Tableau Software – one of the best analytics tools and implementing the solution in the entire company? 

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