About the event

Nowadays, it is mandatory that all decisions made regarding companies and organizations to be based on data analysis. Analysts, General Managers or CEOs need clear and accurate information that indicates exactly the results obtained by their company and which allows them to visualize the overview of the business environment in which they operate.

For this, we constantly need advanced and performing data analysis tools. Tableau Software is one of the most appreciated data analysis tool provider around the world, used for discovering and understanding business data. Tableau Software helps organizations to turn business opportunities into real facts and make decisions at the right time regarding the optimization activity processes.

Join us to upcoming webinar organized on March 25th 2020; together with Tableau Software.

Based on your registration, you will receive the access link to the Webinar.

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  1. Red Carpet (Welcome) & Tableau introduction

  2. Now Starring: Your Data - Tableau in action

  3. My Tableau Story - Customer testimony from Neil Richards, Business Intelligence Engineer at Groupon and Tableau Zen Master

  4. Q&A