Today we are going through the entire process of creating a Likert Scale Diverging Bar in Tableau. This chart type is a very useful and beautiful visualisation because it shows a rating ordered in sequences, and the marks are orientated in opposite directions: positive/negative values, right/left. This means that it is easier to observe the differences between values and also to compare them.
The history of the Likert Scale is interesting because the first one was created by the psychologist Rensis Likert, who needed to represent ratings regarding international affairs. A type of Likert scale is also the one you have to give a rating from 1 to 5 (for example), 1 representing that you strongly disagree, and 5 that you strongly agree.
Tableau offers the possibility of creating a unique Likert Scale Diverging bar. In this #skillpill video, we will show you an example of analysing the profit ratio for the furniture, office supplies and technology from a database from the United States.
Here is the video tutorial:
… and here are the written steps:
→ In Tableau Desktop, connect to Superstore dataset from Tableau.
→ Create a calculated field called Number of Records – where the formula is: ‘1’.
→ Create a calculated field called Total Count – where the formula is Total(Sum[(Numbers of Records])).
→ Create a calculated field called Profit Ratio – where the formula is SUM([Profit])/SUM([Sales]).
→ Create a calculated field called Profit Ratio by Order – where the formula is ([Profit])/([Sales]).
→ Create a calculated field called Profit Ratio Type – where the formula is IF [Profit Ratio by order]<0 then ‘Negative’ ELSEIF [Profit Ratio by order]<0.1 then ‘Neutral’ else ‘Positive’ END
→ Create a calculated field called Count Negative – where the formula is IF [Profit Ratio by order]<=0 THEN 1 else if [Profit Ratio by order]<=0.1 then 0.5 ELSE 0 END
→ Create a calculated field called Total Count Negative – where the formula is TOTAL(SUM([Count Negative]))
→ Create a calculated field called Gantt Start – where the formula is -[Total Count Negative]/[Total Count]
→ Create a calculated field called Percentage – where the formula is SUM([Number of Records])/[Total Count]
→ Create a calculated field called Gantt Percent – where the formula is PREVIOUS_VALUE([Gantt Start])+ZN(LOOKUP([Percentage],-1))
→ Create a parameter called Show Percentages with the data type string and a list with the following values: Show Percentages and Show Profit Ratio
→ Create a calculated field called Show Profit Ratio – where formula is IF [Show Percentages]=’ Show Profit Ratio’ then [Profit Ratio] END
→ Create a calculated field called Show Percentage – where the formula is IF [Show Percentages]=’ Show Percentages’ then [Percentage] END
→ Create a hierarchy Country, Category si Subcategory – Bring Category over Country and Subcategory below Category.
→ Bring the Hierarchy created earlier on rows.
→ Bring Gant Percent and Show Profit Ratioon on columns.
→ For Gant Percent, bring Profit Ratio Type on colour, Percentage on size and Show Percentage on the label.
→ For Gantt Percent, we are going to select Gantt Bar.
→ For Show Profit Ratio, we are going to select Circle.
→ Bring the parameter Show Percentages –right-click and select– Show parameter.
→ Select right click – axis and select Dual Axis and Synchronize Axis.
→ Format Show Percentages and Show Profit Ratio on the labels to appear as a percentage – right-click – format – number – Percentage.
Author: Alina Pătulea, Data Analyst @btProvider
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