Cohort Analysis using Tableau Software – Skill Pill

Cohort Analysis in Tableau

A Cohort Analysis takes the given data set and rather than looking at all users as one group, it breaks them in several cohorts for analysis. Usually those users have the same behavior, or common characteristics and this type of analysis helps the company to better characterize their customers/users.

In order to create a Cohort Analysis in Tableau, please follow these steps:

Step 1: Connect to data

  1. In Tableau Desktop, connect to Superstore sample data provided by Tableau.
  2. Step 2: Create the visualization
  3. Create new Calculated Field Customer Acquisition Date with formula: { FIXED [Customer ID] : MIN([Order Date])}.
  4. Drag the Order Date field on Columns.
  5. Drag the Sales on Rows.
  6. Drag the Customer Acquisition Date on Colors from the Marks
  7. In the Marks area, select the Bar visualization type, from Tableau interface, your business intelligence data reporting and visualisation software.
  8. Right click on the Sales from the Rows pane and select Quick Table Calculation -> Percent of Total.
  9. Right click on the Sales from the Rows shelf and select Compute Using -> Table Down.

By Mara Cîșlariu

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