Data Analytics, Big Data, CRM, Data Warehouse & Data Integration
A Waterfall chart shows the relation of each component with the running total. This represents how each component contributes to the final sum. Each bar of the graph must be aligned with the start of the previous one, so negative values must go up and positive values must go […]
A Box Plot or Box and Whiskers Plot is a Tableau visualization that helps us understand the spread and skewness of the data as well as detecting outliers. It is created using quartiles and the interquartile range. In order to create a Box […]
A Custom Button can be used when you want the user experience with Tableau dashboard to be easier and user friendly. In order to create Custom Threshold buttons in Tableau, please follow these steps: Step 1: Connect to data In Tableau Desktop, connect to Superstore sample […]
A Z-Score or a standard score is a statistical test that helps us see where an entity is situated compared to the mean of the population it belongs to. Let’s see it at work in Tableau Software.
A Tornado Chart is used when you want to compare two specific measures, within Tableau Software, for many categories where you can see the differences and what category is evolving better on those measures.
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A Cleveland Dot Plot is used in Tableau when you want to see the evolution of a dimension compared to the maximum you have in the data. Watch video: In order to create a Cleveland Dot Plot in Tableau, please follow these steps: Step 1: Connect to data In Tableau Server, Online or Desktop […]
A Bar Chart with Floating Icons is used in Tableau Software when you want to see easily what the chart is showing us, without adding text that might be hard to read or bad framed in the whole graph. Watch our video. In order to create a Bar Chart with Floating Icons in […]
A Combined Chart is used when we want to see the relationship between two measures in the same graph. These views are good for viewing conversion rate versus sessions or perhaps profit against sales. Watch btProvider video: In order to […]
A Progress Bar is used when we want to see what is the evolution towards the proposed target or to compare the current period of the year with the similar period of last year. Watch btProvider video: In order to […]
Learn about Tableau 2019.3 features and watch our video webinar. Tableau Catalog – end to end view of data data used by Tableau, and how it is connected to your analytics Explain Data – embedded AI-driven explanations for data causality […]
Sometimes in Tableau we need to add more graphic elements, shapes are a way of adding a visual element to a simple number in a table or in a BAN. Tableau offers a couple of shapes by default but we […]
When working with Tableau you want your selections to both be summarized and detailed. Often times we resort to different visualizations to achieve this, but for our table lovers there is a solution to have the best of both worlds. […]
Quadrants help us better understand performers and non-performers and also what actions we need to take to move elements from one quadrant to another. But to see what impact our actions have we need to be able to track changes […]
When working with Scatter Plots a good way of grouping or segmenting your data is to create quadrants. Quadrants help us better understand performers and non-performers and also what actions we need to take to move elements from one quadrant […]
A Word Cloud is generally seen when analyzing chats, comments, etc. It is used to show the frequency of words in a text/string. But it can also be used to show other distributions and is an alternative for the Treemap […]
In Tableau you can always click on a few things and see those things in another sheet against each other. But when we select too many or we don’t select anything but still want to see the overall we need […]
In Tableau when you say drilldown, hierarchies come to mind. Hierarchies are a great way for us to control the aggregation of a sheet. But when working in a Dashboard we sometimes want to expand hierarchies across multiple sheets. To […]
A Small Multiple is series of similar graphs or charts using the same scale and axes, allowing them to be easily compared. To more easily compare the values in a Small Multiple chart we will make use of Tableau Actions. […]
In Tableau you can drilldown using Hierarchies. But what if you wanted to drilldown only for one member of a Hierarchy? To achieve this we can use Sets and Set Actions to create a Single Member Drilldown. In order to […]
When viewing one variable people sometimes say Scatter Plot, but that is used to view a relationship between two variables. When analyzing one variable we can use Jitter plots. A Jitter Plot is useful for analyzing the distribution or spread […]
A Cohort Chart is used to analyze a cohort. You can this type of analysis to spot patterns and trends, make marketing decision, perform customer retention/acquisition analysis or compare to other cohorts. Watch btProvider video: In order to create a […]
A DNA or Dumbbell Chart is a viable alternative to a stacked bar chart, pie chart or line chart depending on the scope of the visualization. It can be used to compare two to three KPIs between each other or […]
Benford’s Law is a statistical rule that states that the leading digits in naturally occuring numerical data follows a certain distribution (1 occurs 30%, with 9 occuring 4.5%). Benford’s Law has been used to detect credit card, banking, tax or […]
Sometimes we want a filter to do more than just filter, we want it to be a selection mechanism that displays one vs the others and highlights our selection. To do this and have the same level of interactivity as […]
When doing comparisons often we want to compare one vs one or one vs others and be quick and flexible in our selection. To achieve this we can use Tableau’s new Parameter Actions to drive the comparison dynamically and never […]
Density Map is an easy-to-use graph that helps us better understand the density of points on a map or scatterplot, as well as trends comparison. To complete this type of chart, please follow these steps: Step 1: Connect […]
Barcode Chart is an easy-to-use graph that helps us combine two measures into a single view. In today’s example, we can see what weeks are profitable / unprofitable and the size of sales. To complete this type of chart, […]
The Pareto principle uses the 80/20 rule, meaning that 20% of the production generates 80% of the result. Vilfredo Pareto found that 80% of the wealth is owned by 20% of the population. Pareto Chart represents the view of this […]
The use two fields, one discreet and one continuous on color, in a single view is very useful if we want to highlight a discreet value, but we want to keep the color legend in the continuous field for the […]
Today’s session is about simplicity and about the way we can perform visual analysis on the data that we are analyzing, using Tableau. My attention was recently drawn to this post on LinkedIn, which presents Market Spend data for various […]
With the release of Tableau 2019.2, Parameter Actions were added to the Tableau interactivity roster. These new actions provide a new way of interacting with Parameters and a canvas for new user experiences. One way of using them is to […]
Thank you all for attending Tableau Software Cinema Tour. It was a great pleasure to meet you all, customers and newcomers to Tableau world. We just collected the statistics from the event and put them in a Tableau Software visualization […]
Lollipop chart is a very useful graph for a hierarchy or if we want to show a top, generated with Tableau Software. It’s useful because you can add more information inside the circle. This graph is an improved bar chart […]
Proportional Brushing is a technique of interacting with data in which, rather than filtering from a selection, you want to view the proportion of your selection in relation to all/other items. This type of analysis can be achieved in Tableau […]
When you create a dashboard in Tableau, but you only want to have the main sheets on the first view, it’s very useful to use dashboard actions and container. Using them it’s easier to hide/show the secondary sheets only when […]
Coming back from Europe Big Data and CIO Innovation Center event in Prague, just wanted to share some thoughts from the business and technical leaders of the largest companies across the globe. First of all, the consumer profile has changed […]
When you do a Top in Tableau using Sets, the Set is computed globally thus any top within a Category will result in the intersection between the members of the Category and the Set. In order to properly display the […]
In this example we will use the Bucharest Subway Map. Path Map is a graph that uses geographic data (latitude and longitude) and the “Path” function that we find in Line. This view implies a data preparation; we used Tableau Desktop. […]
Rounded Bar Chart is an improved version of the classic Bar Chart – return to editing Tableau Software. To complete this type of chart, you will need to complete the following steps: Step 1: Connect to the data: In Tableau […]
A Market Basket or Co-Occurrence Analysis is useful for spotting which products are being bought together, thus we can plan campaigns that put two or more products together to raise our sales and margin. We can also see what customers […]
A pareto analysis explains the importance of an element to the whole. The pareto principle states that 80% of the effect is achieved by 20% of the observations. To better visualize where this effect happens a two-color pareto can easily […]
Google Analytics data and Tableau Extracts are not always matching the numbers. There is a very simple reasoning behind that, and we strongly recommend looking into this article before starting to analyse Google Analytics data in Tableau. In very simple […]
Have you ever looked at a Sales dashboard and immediately thought: “I want the same dashboard but for Profit.”. This type of request is quite often handled by adding Profit to some table or bar chart. But a better way […]
When we build a dashboard, we always want to bring as much information to the user as possible. This will result in clutter and the dashboard will not be easy readable. To avoid clutter we hide sheets, move information to […]
A Scatter Plot is used to display two measures in a diagram. It is used to detect relationships or behaviors in the data. By adding a marginal histogram explaining each point, we can visualize in a dashboard to which bin […]
A Radial Jitter Plot is useful to deconstruct a histogram. A histogram is used to summarize the distribution of a measure, sales for instance, bu by using a jitter, we can create a dispersion of our sales at the lowest […]
Heatmap Calendars are used to represent a measure over time, but in the form of a calendar. Thus we can view our data for a certain month in different years daily. We can observe the weekly seasonality for our data […]
Bollinger Bands are a type of statistical chart used to characterize prices and volatility over time. The visualization can be applied to areas that are outside of finance and trading, using the principle behind it we can view for instance […]
A control chart is a type of statistical chart used to detect if a process is in a state of control. From a visualization point of view we can borrow the principle and analyze different streams of data to find […]