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Data Analytics, Big Data, CRM, Data Warehouse & Data Integration

top n% filter tableau software btprovider

How to use Top N% Filter in Tableau Software – Skill Pill Video

December 4, 2020

Top N% filter is a feature available in Tableau that allows users to filter and display a certain percentage of their data. To better understand how it works, let’s take an example. Suppose we want to display product categories and their sales value but showing only the first 75% of the recorded values. Instead of crowding filter area in Tableau, we can add a Top N% filter to automatically display the first 25%, 50% or 75% of the values we have in our data set.

dynamic drop down menus tableau software btprovider

How to use a Dynamic Drop-Down Menu in your visualization in Tableau Software – Skill Pill Video

November 27, 2020

Dynamic drop-down menus have similar functionality to the classic drop-down menus that we all use in our analysis. The difference that the dynamic ones offer is to create a connection between the menus so that their values will change depending on our first selection. Thus, users can select in the first menu the parameter they want to highlight, and the following menus will have only the values specific to the first.

Detailed Histogram in Tableau Software btProvider

How to build a Detailed Histogram in Tableau Software – Skill Pill Video

November 20, 2020

Histograms represent a bar chart that displays the distribution of values in a data set on an axis. Each bar of the graph represents the range of a value. The bars that form the chart are also called bins or buckets, and their height is given by the frequency of the analyzed values. The higher a bar, the higher the value in that range and vice versa.

Sparklines in Tableau Software btProvider

How to analyze KPIs using Sparklines in Tableau Software – Skill Pill Video

November 13, 2020

Sparklines are usually small, concentrated graphics that offer no context when used alone. Being condensed graphs, they are always used next to certain texts or are grouped to provide context for analysis and to display trends. Displaying KPIs using sparklines is a very useful technique for quickly communicating trends or patterns.

Halloween Costume Contest 2020 – btProvider

November 12, 2020

This year we thought to celebrate Halloween a little bit different and we chose the digital path to enjoy a few hours full of cheerfulness. Each of us built his own costume and we started a wonderful online party. Each […]

Drill Down Tables with Parameter Actions in Tableau Software

How to create Drill Down Tables with Parameter Actions in Tableau – Skill Pill Video

November 6, 2020

Drill Down Tables with Parameter Actions allow users to explore data on multiple levels of detail, depending on what they are looking for. The role of parameters in an analysis or dashboard is to provide interactivity to end users in exploring the data and information they are looking for. The use of parameters also offers flexibility in choosing the data to be viewed, data that are not available in the analyzed set.

Trellis Chart in Tableau btProvider

Trellis Chart: How to analyze dimensions with a big number of values in Tableau – Skill Pill Video

October 30, 2020

Trellis Chart is often known as “Small Multiples”. The name Small Multiples comes from the fact that this type of analysis is represented by a group of graphs or small charts displayed in the same view. Small Multiples or Trellis Chart is actually a series of small charts along a grid. But what are the situations in which we choose to build it?

How to display continuous week or day level data for multiple years in Tableau Software – Skill Pill Video

October 23, 2020

Displaying continuous week or day level data for multiple years is useful when we want to observe what was the evolution of sales or profit in a period that includes several years. This type of chart also helps end users understand how their business has operated over similar periods of time.

Display variances between dates in Tableau btProvider

How to display the variances between dates in Tableau Software – Skill Pill Video

October 16, 2020

Displaying variances between dates adds ease in identifying our results when analyzing measures such as sales, profit or number of units sold. This type of graph helps end users to observe possible patterns or trends that occur in their data and that influence in one way or another the results of a certain period. At the same time, displaying variances between dates represents a starting point in identifying decisions that must be taken to achieve the set goals.

Bullet Graph Tableau btProvider

How to create a Bullet Graph in Tableau Software – Skill Pill Video

October 9, 2020

Bullet graph is a type of chart suitable for sales analysis, profit, or other measures. It is often used when we want to visualize measures value related to our goals, targets, or a past period. At the same time, the additional thresholds that can be added help end users to easily visualize where they are and the distance they still have to the set goal.

Candlestick Chart in Tableau

How to analyze stock prices using Candlestick chart in Tableau – Skill Pill Video

October 2, 2020

Tableau Software provides users with a wide variety of chart types and analyzes suitable for any sector or activity field. Regardless of the needs of users and the answers they are looking for, Tableau always offers solutions for visualizing and […]

Animations in Tableau

Create Parameters with Animations in Tableau Software – Skill Pill Video

September 25, 2020

When we talk about data analytics, we need to consider the information we have in our data set. All this information, and the data we have regarding our organization’s actions are often relevant in several situations or analyzes. Also, their […]

Scatter Plot in Tableau - btProvider

How to add interactivity in a Scatter Plot visualization in Tableau – Skill Pill Video

September 18, 2020

For retail, consumer goods or eCommerce companies, data analytics is a vital element. Profit margins, sales margins depending on product categories, inventory situation or number of customers are some of the metrics that must be followed for an in-depth analysis […]

Combine two bar types in one chart Tableau

How to combine two bar types in one chart in Tableau Software – Skill Pill Video

September 11, 2020

For data analysts and business executives, dashboards, and data analyses must provide the information they need in a simple and concise manner. Their data and analysis should support organizations in making informed and well-argued decisions. Also, data should help companies […]

Drop Lines in Tableau Desktop btProvider

How to add more interactivity in your view using Drop Lines in Tableau – Skill Pill Friday

September 4, 2020

Data analysis has become in recent years one of the most advanced technological processes for identifying relevant conclusions in the information we have in our company. Data analysis and exploration have changed the way companies used the classic business intelligence […]

Top N or Bottom N in Tableau

How to track your KPIs using Top N or Bottom N chart in Tableau – Skill Pill Video

August 28, 2020

Today we all have access to data. Every day, data about our organization provides us with valuable information about our results, market trends or decisions that should be made in our company. KPIs, customer information or their behavior are just […]

Trend Lines in Tableau Software

How to add Trend Lines in Tableau – Skill Pill Video

August 21, 2020

Data analytics involves the process of exploring and visualizing data to extract meaningful information about organizations or any other type of data-generating actions. Most of the time, data analytics helps users in the decision-making process and correlation of existing and […]

Forescast in Tableau Software

Forecast in Tableau: How to predict future trends in the business environment? – Skill Pill Video

August 13, 2020

Nowadays, data and information about our organizations are more and more common. Whether we are talking about data at the department level, group of employees or the entire organization, the data that all these groups generate is available at any […]

Grand Total and Subtotals in Tableau

How to use Grand Total and Subtotals in Tableau – Skill Pill Video

August 7, 2020

Data analysis helps us extract the information we need to make the right strategic decisions and to draw relevant conclusions about our actions. As always, we value our data and use the latest technologies for data processing and analysis. By […]

Colour Scale a Map using Set Actions in Tableau

How to customize a map using Colour Scale and Set Actions in Tableau Software – Skill Pill Video

July 31, 2020

Any organization who wants to become a data driven company, must take decisions based on data. Data gives us confidence in our future actions, and enough arguments to support them. Our weekly skill pills articles are meant to encourage Tableau […]

Show Hide Expand Hierarchy Labels Tableau Software btProvider

How to use Show / Hide Expand Hierarchy Labels in Tableau – Skill Pill Video

July 24, 2020

Having access to data has recently become one of the most common requirements in organizations around the world. Data gives us real information about the activity of our company, but also answers to the most frequently asked questions such as […]

Measure Names and Measure Values in Tableau Software

How to add Measure Names and Measure Values in Tableau Software – Skill Pill Video

July 17, 2020

We often face different scenarios when it comes to data analysis. There are situations in which the volume of information is very large, and our analysis must include them all. The way we choose to display the data we are […]

Unit Chart Tableau Software

How to create a Unit Chart in Tableau Software– Skill Pill Video

July 10, 2020

For many of us, some of the analysis that can be created in Tableau Software may seem complicated or difficult to perform. As we have accustomed you every Friday through our Skill Pill article, we approach different types of analysis […]

Percent of Total in Tableau Software

How to calculate Percent of Total in Viz in Tooltip for a category, in Tableau Software? – Skill Pill Video

July 3, 2020

Tableau Software is one of the most powerful tools when it comes to visualizing and understanding our data. Exploring and analyzing data gives us valuable information about our company, such as profit or sales evolution, marketing campaigns results or costs […]

Dynamic Reference Lines in Tableau Software

Why and when are we using Dynamic Reference Lines in Tableau Software – Skill Pill Video

June 26, 2020

In a previous article we discussed the importance of reference lines in Tableau and how they help users relate to situations in a particular dataset. As we said here, the reference lines are seen as horizontal or vertical lines located […]

Histogram with Normal Distribution in Tableau Software

How to create a Histogram with Normal Distribution in Tableau Software – Skill Pill Video

June 19, 2020

There are times throughout the year when we need to keep up with the fluctuations of our organization in terms of sales or profits. For example, for companies from retail or eCommerce field, the winter holidays or Black Friday represent […]

Slope Area Chart in Tableau Software

How to analyze the trend of a KPI using the Slope Area Chart in Tableau Software – Skill Pill Video

June 12, 2020

Viewing and exploring data are among the most important tasks that company’s representatives should consider. We will not discuss here how important it is to analyze and understand data. At the end of each year, quarter or even month, companies […]

Reference Lines in Tableau Software

Reference lines and constant lines – How do we build them and what are the advantages of using them?

June 5, 2020

How can we visualize and understand the information that data provides us when we have the necessary tools to analyze it? But most importantly, how do we identify and build the right analytics to visualize the information we want? These […]

Drill Down Treemap Tableau Software

Drill Down Treemap – How to analyze the value of product categories and subcategories?

May 28, 2020

Analyzing data generated in an organization can be done in countless ways. But for visualizing data and transposing them in a form that is accessible and easy to understand, we need business intelligence tools. These must provide users all the […]

Seismogram Chart in Tableau Software

Seismogram Chart – How to analyze data with large variations?

May 22, 2020

We always talk about how important our data is. In e period when companies are going through a transition in terms of work processes, data analysis provides support for making the right decisions. But often, the large volume of data […]

Tableau Software Art Techniques

Using Art Techniques in Tableau Software

May 15, 2020

Today’s article is a little different from the ones we got used to every Friday. Today’s post we wanted to dedicate it to a special friend. In the following lines we invite you all to meet Timi 😊. Timi was […]

Slope Chart Tableau Software btProvider

How to create Slope Chart in Tableau Software

May 8, 2020

What we want to visualize, observe or analyze are the most common questions we ask ourselves when we are dealing with a set of data. Data provides the answer to absolutely any question related with the evolution of an organization […]

Navigation Buttons in Tableau Software

How to build interactive dashboards using navigation buttons in Tableau Software?

May 1, 2020

As a company, all the activities carried out in order to maximize and increase business profitability generate a huge volume of data. Data generated over time are analyzed and studied by each organization and department. This information have the role […]

Highlight Past Dates Tableau Software

Visualize and Highlight Past Dates – Video Skill Pill in Tableau Software

April 24, 2020

Data is the most powerful information we need to take in consideration when we want to analyze the company’s evolution. Data-based information transpose into exact numbers the results obtained over time, whether we are talking about sales, profitability or costs. […]

Roman Empire Timeline Tableau Software

Roman Empire Timelaps

April 21, 2020

We all know that the Roman Empire was one of the most powerful and greatest civilizations that existed in the history of our humanity. Throughout its existence, the Roman Empire subordinated its many territories which subsequently became national states in […]

Expanding Label and Size of Mark

How to visualize your data from an area of interest – Expanding Label and Size of Mark

April 16, 2020

We always want to have a centralized situation of data and information about our company. For example, depending on the field of activity and the areas in which the company operates, we’ll need analyzes that allows to see real-time information […]

Population Pyramid Tableau Software

How to create a Population Pyramid in Tableau Software

April 9, 2020

When we think about developing a strong sales strategy, we need ways to visualize and process the company’s data, but also the environment in which we will carry out our activity. Any decision taken in order to expand the area […]

Customized Interaction Map in Tableau Software

How can we visualize data using customized interaction maps from Tableau?

April 3, 2020

For companies whose field of activity is carried out in several locations around the globe or in several work points, a centralized analysis of all the data or their evolution over a period of time is required. Data analysts from […]

Animated Bubble Chart using Tableau Desktop

How to track data evolution over time with Tableau Desktop – Animated Bubble Chart

March 26, 2020

Tableau Software is one of the most appreciated data analysis tools in the world when we talk about an attractive and interactive way of visualizing our data. As a result, the data analysis created in Tableau Software helps users to […]

Expanding Lollipop Chart in Tableau

How to analyze data with close values in Tableau Software – Expanding Lollipop Chart

March 19, 2020

Large companies deals with a large volumes of information, coming from multiple data sources and data sets. To be able to visualize all data, the user should have at his disposal powerful analytical tools which provides the benefit of creating […]

COVID 19 coronavirus Pandemic Situation in Romania

COVID 19 Pandemic Situation in Romania

March 17, 2020

On March 11, 2020 thee World Health Organization stepped forward and stated the situation generated by the new Covid 19 virus as a pandemic. The number of infection cases has increased considerably in the last period, especially in Europe, followed […]

Follow the progress of your goals with Thermometer Chart from Tableau

March 12, 2020

In any organization expenses control represents a key factor for a proper functioning. Department managers and all those responsible with the company financial resources management and resources allocation, would want to have access at any time to the organization status […]

Top N Set Analysis in Tableau

How to connect your customer and employee data with Top N Set analysis from Tableau Desktop

March 5, 2020

Having a tool for data and information display is a key resource for a company. Data accuracy and data analysis simplify the way in which strategic business decisions are made. We constantly need data analysis to quickly understand the trends […]

Change sort Order with Buttons in Tableau Software

Change sort Order with Buttons in Tableau Software – video Skill Pill

February 27, 2020

Change sort order with buttons in Tableau Software is helping every end user to easily sort ascending or descending attributes according to different criteria. Watch our video. In order to create a Highlight on Row and Column in Tableau, please follow these steps: […]

btProvider – Welcome 2020.1

February 25, 2020

When we look at a chart there are certain elements that capture our eye, these are: Color Shape Position Length All these elements are easily recognizable by our brains because our eyes evolved to detect them in time and we […]

Highlight Row and Column in Tableau Software

Highlight Row and Column in Tableau Software – video Skill Pill

February 21, 2020

Highlighting a row and a column is helping every end user of any text table to focus better on the value selected for that specific row and column. Watch our video.   In order to create a Highlight on Row and Column in […]

Pie in Pie Chart used in Tableau Software

Pie in Pie Chart using Tableau Software – video Skill Pill

February 13, 2020

A Pie in Pie Chart is usually used in Tableau Software when you want to see how much did a sub-category contribute to a category. Watch our video: In order to create a Pie in Pie Chart in Tableau, please follow these steps: Step 1: […]

Colored Map By Dimension using Tableau Software

Colored Map By Dimension using Tableau Software – video Skill Pill

February 6, 2020

A Colored Map by Dimension is a chart that helps us to see what dimension is present in one state or country. It can be combined with any type of top analytics or any filters. Watch our video: In order to create a […]

Cohort Analysis in Tableau

Cohort Analysis using Tableau Software – Skill Pill

January 31, 2020

A Cohort Analysis takes the given data set and rather than looking at all users as one group, it breaks them in several cohorts for analysis. Usually those users have the same behavior, or common characteristics and this type of […]

Span Chart using Tableau Software

Span Chart using Tableau Software – video Skill Pill

January 23, 2020

A Span chart, also known as Range Bar, is a chart that helps us display ranges over a measure between a minimum and a maximum value. It gives information about extreme values rather than what is in between. They are […]

Waterfall Chart using Tableau Software

Waterfall Chart using Tableau Software – Skill Pill

January 16, 2020

A Waterfall chart shows the relation of each component with the running total. This represents how each component contributes to the final sum. Each bar of the graph must be aligned with the start of the previous one, so negative values must go up and positive values must go […]