Using Art Techniques in Tableau Software

Tableau Software Art Techniques

Today’s article is a little different from the ones we got used to every Friday. Today’s post we wanted to dedicate it to a special friend. In the following lines we invite you all to meet Timi 😊.

Timi was the puppy of our colleague Alex Stancescu. You all know Alex, our expert at btProvider when it comes to building Tableau visualizations. We all know and have seen the analyzes, ingenious, but very interactive, made by Alex. Timi was with him for a long time, and on May 7 he should have turned 14 years old.

We do not need to explain here the joy that pets offer us, especially dogs. Whoever has a puppy at home knows very well what we are talking about. And as our colleague Alex is one of the most passionate people we know in terms of data analysis and visualization tools (Tableau Software, obviously 😊), he surprised us with a new visualization. This time it is about making Timi’s portrait in Tableau.

Oil Painting using Tableau Software

Do you think that data analysis tools are only intended for data analysis and visualization? Well, that is not the case. Using Ken Flerlage’s famous method called “Packed Bubble & Pie Art in Tableau”, which you can find out more about here, Alex managed to make a portrait of our friend Timi directly in Tableau Software. Using exactly 277 952 dots and circles, Alex slowly built the desired image. Finally, he added an element of originality that made Timi’s portrait look like an oil painting.

We invite you to access the following link to see the portrait of our friend Timi, made in Tableau Software:!/vizhome/TableauOilPainting-Timi/TableauPicture-Timi

By Alex Stancescu

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