Adding Totals into Tables

Adding totals intro tables

Tableau is a powerful platform for data visualization and analysis, helping organizations become more data-oriented. One important feature of this modern analytics platform is using “Totals” in your visualizations. This feature is crucial for highlighting important trends and insights from the analyzed data.

In Tableau, “Totals” refer to the aggregated values or sums calculated for a specific dataset or subset of that data. This tool aids in analyzing data at different levels of aggregation. With Totals, identifying trends, variations, and key points in the data becomes much more accessible.

Tableau also offers extensive options for customizing how Totals are calculated and displayed in visualizations. This means that you can have control over the order and presentation of Totals to tailor them to your specific needs.

Totals are essential tools for gaining a summarized perspective on the data and highlighting relevant conclusions. They facilitate data-driven decision-making and enhance users’ analytical capabilities by helping to translate complex information into an easily understandable and communicable form.

Step 1: Connect to data

→  In Tableau Desktop, connect to the Superstore sample data provided by Tableau 

Step 2: Create View

Add Categories dimension into rows

Add Sub-Categories dimensions into rows

Add Order Date dimension into columns

Add Sales into measures

Step 3: Create View

→ In Analytics Tab click and drag Totals into the canvas and drop It onto one of the 3 (Subtotals, Row Totals, Column Totals)

Step 4: Changing Aggregation

→ click on Grand Total (either row-wise or column-wise)

→ click on the Automated list

→ select the desired aggregation type

Step 5: Removing Totals

→ click on the Analysis tab

→ click on the Totals tab

→ click on any of the totals you wish to remove

Step 4 and step 5 are only for those who want to select a different aggregation or remove totals from the view.

 This was today’s skill pill, thank you! 

 The dashboard in Tableau Public:


Watch the video tutorial here:

About btProvider:

We hold all possible technical and sales certifications for all products:

Tableau Desktop, Tableau Public, Tableau Server, Tableau Prep, and Tableau Data Management.

With Tableau Software – the best data visualization platform – you can always understand your business or your job better. Using Tableau, you will make intelligent and strategic decisions and quickly understand the data flow, numbers, and the results it produces. See other #skillpill video tutorials here:

How to display multiple insights on a dashboard in #Tableau

How to create Stacked Bars on Grand Totals in Tableau

How to create a Buffer Zoom in a Tableau Map

Are you interested in learning more about Tableau Software – one of the best analytics tools and implementing the solution in the entire company? 

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